This is
a photo of my little sister holding my dad’s hand, walking into the Pacific
Ocean. Only it kind of looks like they’re just walking, with no direction or
destination in mind... Just walking. Maybe to the middle of the ocean. I think
that’s why I love it so much – to me it represents adventure and fearlessness,
knowing that there are sunny skies ahead. Almost like they don’t have a care in
the world. That’s exactly why I attached the words “Wherever I go, there’ll be
sunshine.” What have we got to lose by being positive, and adventurous?
Absolutely nothing. There’s always going to be a brighter day. It’s a wondrous
This is a beautiful sentiment. I love that you can look at this picture and remember that there is sunshine in dark places. Have you ever used this thought to get you through any rough times you may have had? What other coping mechanisms have you used in the past?